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M.Sc. in Engineering - Robot Systems (Advanced Robotics Technology)

University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

  • September 2019 - June 2021
  • Specialization in advanced robotics technology.
  • Expertise gained: advanced robot control, computer vision, mechanical engineering, artificial intelligence, optimization and control, multivariate statistics.
  • Weighted grade point average: 11.33

Master Thesis - Generating 2D Data for Pose Estimation of Rigid Objects with Neural Networks

Scape Technology A/S

  • September 2020 - June 2021

  • Focused on generating 2D data for pose estimation of rigid objects using neural networks, eliminating the need for manual data labeling.

B.Sc. in Engineering - Robot Systems

University of Southern Denmark, SDU

  • September 2016 – August 2019
  • Experience gained: software development, robotics, artificial intelligence, computer vision, Linux, statistics.
  • Weighted grade point average: 8.69

Bachelor Thesis - Neural Networks for Object Classification and Localization of Consumables in a Robotic Picking Application

Qumec Production Aps

  • February 2019 - June 2019

  • Developed a neural network-based solution for object classification and localization of consumables in a robotic picking application, enabling robots to sort consumables.


Odense Tekniske Gymnasium (HTX)

  • 2012 – 2015
  • Major: Biotech A, Mathematics A, Physics B, and Technology A.
  • Grade point average: 9.0